
The operator command groups subcommands for operators interacting with Vault. Most users will not need to interact with these commands.


Initialize a new Vault cluster:

$ vault operator init
Unseal Key 1: sP/4C/fwIDjJmHEC2bi/1Pa43uKhsUQMmiB31GRzFc0R
Unseal Key 2: kHkw2xTBelbDFIMEgEC8NVX7NDSAZ+rdgBJ/HuJwxOX+
Unseal Key 3: +1+1ZnkQDfJFHDZPRq0wjFxEuEEHxDDOQxa8JJ/AYWcb
Unseal Key 4: cewseNJTLovmFrgpyY+9Hi5OgJlJgGGCg7PZyiVdPwN0
Unseal Key 5: wyd7rMGWX5fi0k36X4e+C4myt5CoTmJsHJ0rdYT7BQcF

Initial Root Token: 6662bb4a-afd0-4b6b-faad-e237fb564568

# ...
$ vault operator initUnseal Key 1: sP/4C/fwIDjJmHEC2bi/1Pa43uKhsUQMmiB31GRzFc0RUnseal Key 2: kHkw2xTBelbDFIMEgEC8NVX7NDSAZ+rdgBJ/HuJwxOX+Unseal Key 3: +1+1ZnkQDfJFHDZPRq0wjFxEuEEHxDDOQxa8JJ/AYWcbUnseal Key 4: cewseNJTLovmFrgpyY+9Hi5OgJlJgGGCg7PZyiVdPwN0Unseal Key 5: wyd7rMGWX5fi0k36X4e+C4myt5CoTmJsHJ0rdYT7BQcF
Initial Root Token: 6662bb4a-afd0-4b6b-faad-e237fb564568
# ...

Force a Vault to resign leadership in a cluster:

$ vault operator step-down
Success! Stepped down:
$ vault operator step-downSuccess! Stepped down:

Rotate Vault's underlying encryption key:

$ vault operator rotate
Success! Rotated key

Key Term        2
Install Time    01 Jan 07 12:30 UTC
$ vault operator rotateSuccess! Rotated key
Key Term        2Install Time    01 Jan 07 12:30 UTC


Usage: vault operator <subcommand> [options] [args]

  # ...

    generate-root    Generates a new root token
    init             Initializes a server
    key-status       Provides information about the active encryption key
    rekey            Generates new unseal keys
    rotate           Rotates the underlying encryption key
    seal             Seals the Vault server
    step-down        Forces Vault to resign active duty
    unseal           Unseals the Vault server
Usage: vault operator <subcommand> [options] [args]
  # ...
Subcommands:    generate-root    Generates a new root token    init             Initializes a server    key-status       Provides information about the active encryption key    rekey            Generates new unseal keys    rotate           Rotates the underlying encryption key    seal             Seals the Vault server    step-down        Forces Vault to resign active duty    unseal           Unseals the Vault server

For more information, examples, and usage about a subcommand, click on the name of the subcommand in the sidebar.