
In addition to standard CLI help using the -h or -help flag for commands, Vault has a built-in path-help command that can be used to get help for specific paths within Vault. These paths are used with the API or read, write, delete commands in order to interact with Vault.

The help system is the easiest way to learn how to use the various systems in Vault, and also allows you to discover new paths.

»Discovering Paths

Before using path-help, it is important to understand "paths" within Vault. Paths are the parameters used for vault read, vault write, etc. An example path is secret/foo, or aws/config/root. The paths available depend on the enabled secrets engines. Because of this, the interactive help is an indispensable tool to finding what paths are supported.

To discover what paths are supported, use vault path-help <mount point>. For example, if you mounted the AWS secrets engine, you can use vault path-help aws to find the paths supported by that backend. The paths will be shown with regular expressions, which can make them hard to parse, but they're also extremely exact.

You can try it right away with any Vault with vault path-help secret, since secret is always mounted initially. The output from this command is shown below and contains both a description of what that backend is for, along with the paths it supports.

$ vault path-help secret

The key/value backend reads and writes arbitrary secrets to the backend.
The secrets are encrypted/decrypted by Vault: they are never stored
unencrypted in the backend and the backend never has an opportunity to
see the unencrypted value.

Leases can be set on a per-secret basis. These leases will be sent down
when that secret is read, and it is assumed that some outside process will
revoke and/or replace the secret at that path.


The following paths are supported by this backend. To view help for
any of the paths below, use the help command with any route matching
the path pattern. Note that depending on the policy of your auth token,
you may or may not be able to access certain paths.

        Pass-through secret storage to the storage backend, allowing you to
        read/write arbitrary data into secret storage.
$ vault path-help secret## DESCRIPTION
The key/value backend reads and writes arbitrary secrets to the backend.The secrets are encrypted/decrypted by Vault: they are never storedunencrypted in the backend and the backend never has an opportunity tosee the unencrypted value.
Leases can be set on a per-secret basis. These leases will be sent downwhen that secret is read, and it is assumed that some outside process willrevoke and/or replace the secret at that path.
The following paths are supported by this backend. To view help forany of the paths below, use the help command with any route matchingthe path pattern. Note that depending on the policy of your auth token,you may or may not be able to access certain paths.
    ^.*$        Pass-through secret storage to the storage backend, allowing you to        read/write arbitrary data into secret storage.

»Single Path

Once you've found a path you like, you can learn more about it by using vault path-help <path> where "path" is a path that matches one of the regular expressions from the backend help.

Or, if you saw an example online with vault write or some similar command, you can plug that directly into vault path-help to learn about it (assuming you have the proper backends mounted!).

For example, below we get the help for a single secret in the secret/ mount point. The help shows the operations that that path supports, the parameters it takes (for write), and a description of that specific path.

$ vault path-help secret/password
Request:        password
Matching Route: ^.*$

Pass-through secret storage to the storage backend, allowing you to
read/write arbitrary data into secret storage.


    lease (string)
        Lease time for this key when read. Ex: 1h


The pass-through backend reads and writes arbitrary data into secret storage,
encrypting it along the way.

A lease can be specified when writing with the "lease" field. If given, then
when the secret is read, Vault will report a lease with that duration. It
is expected that the consumer of this backend properly writes renewed keys
before the lease is up. In addition, revocation must be handled by the
user of this backend.
$ vault path-help secret/passwordRequest:        passwordMatching Route: ^.*$
Pass-through secret storage to the storage backend, allowing you toread/write arbitrary data into secret storage.
    lease (string)        Lease time for this key when read. Ex: 1h
The pass-through backend reads and writes arbitrary data into secret storage,encrypting it along the way.
A lease can be specified when writing with the "lease" field. If given, thenwhen the secret is read, Vault will report a lease with that duration. Itis expected that the consumer of this backend properly writes renewed keysbefore the lease is up. In addition, revocation must be handled by theuser of this backend.