The kubernetes auth method can be used to authenticate with Vault using a
Kubernetes Service Account Token. This method of authentication makes it easy to
introduce a Vault token into a Kubernetes Pod.
Auth methods must be configured in advance before users or machines can
authenticate. These steps are usually completed by an operator or configuration
management tool.
Enable the Kubernetes auth method:
$ vault auth enable kubernetes
$ vault auth enable kubernetes
Use the /config endpoint to configure Vault to talk to Kubernetes. Use kubectl cluster-info to validate the Kubernetes host address and TCP port. For the
list of available configuration options, please see the API documentation.
$ vault write auth/kubernetes/config \
token_reviewer_jwt="<your reviewer service account JWT>" \
kubernetes_host=<your TCP port or blank for 443> \
$ vault write auth/kubernetes/config \ token_reviewer_jwt="<your reviewer service account JWT>" \ kubernetes_host=<your TCP port or blank for 443> \ kubernetes_ca_cert=@ca.crt
NOTE: The pattern Vault uses to authenticate Pods depends on sharing
the JWT token over the network. Given the security model of
Vault, this is allowable because Vault is
part of the trusted compute base. In general, Kubernetes applications should
not share this JWT with other applications, as it allows API calls to be
made on behalf of the Pod and can result in unintended access being granted
to 3rd parties.
This auth method accesses the Kubernetes TokenReview API to
validate the provided JWT is still valid. Kubernetes should be running with
--service-account-lookup. This is defaulted to true in Kubernetes 1.7, but any
versions prior should ensure the Kubernetes API server is started with this
setting. Otherwise deleted tokens in Kubernetes will not be properly revoked and
will be able to authenticate to this auth method.
Service Accounts used in this auth method will need to have access to the
TokenReview API. If Kubernetes is configured to use RBAC roles, the Service
Account should be granted permissions to access this API. The following
example ClusterRoleBinding could be used to grant these permissions: