»OpenLDAP Secrets Engine (API)

This is the API documentation for the Vault OpenLDAP secrets engine. For general information about the usage and operation of the OpenLDAP secrets engine, please see these docs.

This documentation assumes the OpenLDAP secrets engine is enabled at the /openldap path in Vault. Since it is possible to mount secrets engines at any path, please update your API calls accordingly.

»Configuration Management


This endpoint configures the OpenLDAP secret engine to managed user entries.

Note: the OpenLDAP entry used by config should have the necessary privileges to search and change entry passwords in OpenLDAP.


  • binddn (string: <required>) - Distinguished name (DN) of object to bind for managing user entries.
    Example: cn=vault,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com
  • bindpass (string: <required>) - Password to use along with binddn for managing user entries.
  • url (string: "ldap://") - The LDAP server to connect to. Examples: ldaps://ldap.myorg.com, ldaps://ldap.myorg.com:636. This can also be a comma-delineated list of URLs, e.g. ldaps://ldap.myorg.com, ldaps://ldap.myorg.com:636, in which case the servers will be tried in-order if there are errors during the connection process.`.
  • password_policy (string: <optional>) - The name of the password policy to use to generate passwords. Note that this accepts the name of the policy, not the policy itself.
  • schema (string: "openldap") - The OpenLDAP schema to use when storing entry passwords. Valid schemas include:openldap, racf and ad.
  • request_timeout (integer: 90, string: "90s" <optional>) - Timeout, in seconds, for the connection when making requests against the server before returning back an error.
  • starttls (bool: <optional>) - If true, issues a StartTLS command after establishing an unencrypted connection.
  • insecure_tls - (bool: <optional>) - If true, skips LDAP server SSL certificate verification - insecure, use with caution!
  • certificate - (string: <optional>) - CA certificate to use when verifying LDAP server certificate, must be x509 PEM encoded.
  • client_tls_cert - (string: <optional>) - Client certificate to provide to the LDAP server, must be x509 PEM encoded.
  • client_tls_key - (string: <optional>) - Client key to provide to the LDAP server, must be x509 PEM encoded.

Deprecated Parameters:

  • length (int: 64) - The length of generated password strings. Note: some schemas may require shorter password lengths (such as racf). Mutually exclusive with password_policy

Note about password generation:

length and password_policy cannot both be set in the configuration. The POST endpoint will reject the configuration if both are specified.

  • If neither are set, this will default to a reasonable default password generation algorithm (the same algorithm as prior to the introduction of password policies).
  • If length is set, the same algorithm is used, but with the length specified instead of the default length.
  • If password_policy is set, the password will be generated from the associated password policy. The policy is not exercised prior to saving the configuration. The policy will need to exist prior to passwords needing to be generated by this engine, but does not need to exist prior to saving the configuration.

See OpenLDAP docs for additional information.

»Sample Payload

  "binddn": "cn=vault,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",
  "bindpass": "pa$$w0rd",
  "url": "ldaps://"
{  "binddn": "cn=vault,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",  "bindpass": "pa$$w0rd",  "url": "ldaps://"}

»Sample POST Request

$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
    --request POST \
    --data @payload.json \
$ curl \    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \    --request POST \    --data @payload.json \

»Sample GET Request

$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
    --request GET \
$ curl \    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \    --request GET \

»Sample Response

  "data": {
    "binddn": "cn=admin,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",
    "case_sensitive_names": false,
    "certificate": "",
    "insecure_tls": false,
    "length": 64,
    "schema": "openldap",
    "starttls": false,
    "tls_max_version": "tls12",
    "tls_min_version": "tls12",
    "url": "ldap://"
{  "data": {    "binddn": "cn=admin,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",    "case_sensitive_names": false,    "certificate": "",    "insecure_tls": false,    "length": 64,    "schema": "openldap",    "starttls": false,    "tls_max_version": "tls12",    "tls_min_version": "tls12",    "url": "ldap://"  }}

»Rotate Root Password

The rotate-root endpoint offers password rotation for the binddn entry used to manage OpenLDAP. This generated password will only be known to Vault and will not be retrievable once rotated.


»Sample Request

$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
    --request POST \
$ curl \    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \    --request POST \

»Static Roles

The static-role endpoint configures Vault to manage the passwords of existing individual OpenLDAP entries.


  • dn (string: <required>) - Distinguished name (DN) of entry Vault should manage.
    Example: cn=bob,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com
  • rotation_period (string: <required>) - How often Vault should rotate the password of the user entry. Accepts time suffixed strings ("1h") or an integer number of seconds. The available units are: ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h. The minimum rotation period is 5 seconds.
    Example: "3600", "5s", "1h".
  • username (string: <required>) - The name of the user to be used when logging in. This is useful when dn isn't used for login purposes (such as SSH).
    Example: "bob"

»Sample Payload

  "dn": "cn=hashicorp,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",
  "rotation_period": "24h",
  "username": "hashicorp"
{  "dn": "cn=hashicorp,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",  "rotation_period": "24h",  "username": "hashicorp"}

»Sample POST Request

$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
    --request POST \
    --data @payload.json \
$ curl \    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \    --request POST \    --data @payload.json \

»Sample GET Request

$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
    --request GET \
$ curl \    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \    --request GET \

»Sample GET Response

  "data": {
    "dn": "uid=hashicorp,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",
    "last_vault_rotation": "2020-02-19T11:31:53.7812-05:00",
    "rotation_period": 86400,
    "username": "hashicorp"
{  "data": {    "dn": "uid=hashicorp,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",    "last_vault_rotation": "2020-02-19T11:31:53.7812-05:00",    "rotation_period": 86400,    "username": "hashicorp"  }}

»Sample LIST Response

["hashicorp", "bob"]
["hashicorp", "bob"]

»Static Role Passwords

The static-cred endpoint offers the credential information for a given static-role.


»Sample Get Request

$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
    --request GET \
$ curl \    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \    --request GET \

»Sample Get Response

  "dn": "uid=hashicorp,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",
  "last_vault_rotation": "2020-02-19T11:31:53.7812-05:00",
  "password": "LTNfyn7pS7XEZIxEYQ2sEAWic02PEP7zSvIs0xMqIjaU0ORzLhKOKVmYLxL1Xkyv",
  "rotation_period": 86400,
  "ttl": 86072,
  "username": "hashicorp"
{  "dn": "uid=hashicorp,ou=Users,dc=hashicorp,dc=com",  "last_vault_rotation": "2020-02-19T11:31:53.7812-05:00",  "password": "LTNfyn7pS7XEZIxEYQ2sEAWic02PEP7zSvIs0xMqIjaU0ORzLhKOKVmYLxL1Xkyv",  "rotation_period": 86400,  "ttl": 86072,  "username": "hashicorp"}

»Manually Rotate Static Role Password

The rotate-role endpoint rotates the password of an existing static role.


»Sample Request

$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
    --request POST \
$ curl \    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \    --request POST \

»Dynamic Roles

Create or update a dynamic role configuration. This provides instructions to Vault on how to create an OpenLDAP domain user account.

»Create/Delete Dynamic Role Configuration



The POST endpoint allows for partial updates of existing roles. If a role exists and a POST request is made against it, only the keys specified in the request will be updated. To delete a value, specify the key with an empty string as the value. Example: vault write openldap/role/myrole default_ttl=""

role_name (string, required) - The name of the dynamic role.

creation_ldif (string, required) - A templatized LDIF string used to create a user account. This may contain multiple LDIF entries. The creation_ldif can also be used to add the user account to an existing group. All LDIF entries are performed in order. If Vault encounters an error while executing the creation_ldif it will stop at the first error and not execute any remaining LDIF entries. If an error occurs and rollback_ldif is specified, the LDIF entries in rollback_ldif will be executed. See rollback_ldif for more details. This field may optionally be provided as a base64 encoded string.

deletion_ldif (string, required) - A templatized LDIF string used to delete the user account once its TTL has expired. This may contain multiple LDIF entries. All LDIF entries are performed in order. If Vault encounters an error while executing an entry in the deletion_ldif it will attempt to continue executing any remaining entries. This field may optionally be provided as a base64 encoded string.

rollback_ldif (string, not required but recommended) - A templatized LDIF string used to attempt to rollback any changes in the event that execution of the creation_ldif results in an error. This may contain multiple LDIF entries. All LDIF entries are performed in order. If Vault encounters an error while executing an entry in the rollback_ldif it will attempt to continue executing any remaining entries. This field may optionally be provided as a base64 encoded string.

username_template (string) - A template used to generate a dynamic username. This will be used to fill in the .Username field within the creation_ldif string.

Default Username Template
v_{{.DisplayName}}_{{.RoleName}}_{{random 10}}_{{unix_time}}
v_{{.DisplayName}}_{{.RoleName}}_{{random 10}}_{{unix_time}}
Example Usernames:

default_ttl (string/int) - Specifies the TTL for the leases associated with this role. Accepts time suffixed strings ("1h") or an integer number of seconds. Defaults to system/engine default TTL time. The available units are: ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h.

max_ttl (string/int) - Specifies the maximum TTL for the leases associated with this role. Accepts time suffixed strings ("1h") or an integer number of seconds. Defaults to system/mount default TTL time; this value is allowed to be less than the mount max TTL (or, if not set, the system max TTL), but it is not allowed to be longer. The available units are: ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h.

The creation_ldif, deletion_ldif, rollback_ldif, and username_template fields are all templated fields. See Username Templating for details on how to use templating. Also see Templates for specifics on what data is available for each template.

»Sample Payload

Sample LDIF files:


dn: cn={{.Username}},ou=users,dc=learn,dc=example
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: learn
sn: {{.Password | utf16le | base64}}
memberOf: cn=dev,ou=groups,dc=learn,dc=example
userPassword: {{.Password}}
dn: cn={{.Username}},ou=users,dc=learn,dc=exampleobjectClass: personobjectClass: topcn: learnsn: {{.Password | utf16le | base64}}memberOf: cn=dev,ou=groups,dc=learn,dc=exampleuserPassword: {{.Password}}

deletion.ldif & rollback.ldif:

dn: cn={{.Username}},ou=users,dc=learn,dc=example
changetype: delete
dn: cn={{.Username}},ou=users,dc=learn,dc=examplechangetype: delete

Full Payload:

  "creation_ldif": "...",
  "deletion_ldif": "...",
  "rollback_ldif": "...",
  "username_template": "...",
  "default_ttl": "1h",
  "max_ttl": "24h"
{  "creation_ldif": "...",  "deletion_ldif": "...",  "rollback_ldif": "...",  "username_template": "...",  "default_ttl": "1h",  "max_ttl": "24h"}

»Sample POST Request

$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \
    --request POST \
    --data @payload.json \
$ curl \    --header "X-Vault-Token: ..." \    --request POST \    --data @payload.json \

»Read Dynamic Role Configuration


Retrieves a dynamic role's configuration.




200 OK

  "creation_ldif": "...",
  "default_ttl": 1800,
  "deletion_ldif": "...",
  "max_ttl": 0,
  "rollback_ldif": "...",
  "username_template": "..."
{  "creation_ldif": "...",  "default_ttl": 1800,  "deletion_ldif": "...",  "max_ttl": 0,  "rollback_ldif": "...",  "username_template": "..."}


LDIF and username templates use the Go template syntax to construct the LDIF/username that will be executed against the server. This is done because certain values (such as the username and password within an LDIF statement) are not known at configuration time. Additionally, the template gives a lot of flexibility to the operator to construct the LDIF and username.

Templated fields are delimited by {{ and }}. To reference a field (such as the generated Username), a period is placed in front of the field name. Example: {{.Username}}. Spaces can be included between {{ and }}. For instance: {{.Username|lowercase}} is the same as {{ .Username | lowercase }}.

If a field needs to be modified (such as SHA256 hashing, base64 encoding, etc.) the value can be sent to one of the built-in functions. This uses a "pipe" syntax: {{.Username | base64}}. Values may be "piped" to multiple functions: {{.Username | lowercase | base64}}

»LDIF Template Fields

The following parameters are available within the LDIF templates:

.Username - The name of the generated user (optionally from username_template).
Default pattern: v_<display name>_<role name>_<10 random chars>_<unix timestamp>

.Password - The generated password (optionally from password policies)

.RoleName - The name of the role that credentials are being generated for.

.DisplayName - The display name associated with the authentication token used to make the credentials request.

.IssueTime - The time that the lease was created. This time may be slightly earlier than the associated lease due to where this value is calculated compared with where Vault calculates details of the lease.
Format: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00 (RFC3339)

.IssueTimeSeconds - The unix time the lease was created. This time may be slightly earlier than the associated lease due to where this value is calculated compared with where Vault calculates details of the lease.
Format: Integer indicating the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970.

.ExpirationTime - The time that the lease is set to expire. This time may be slightly earlier than the associated lease due to where this value is calculated compared with where Vault calculates details of the lease.
Format: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00 (RFC3339)

.ExpirationTimeSeconds - The unix time the lease is set to expire. This time may be slightly earlier than the associated lease due to where this value is calculated compared with where Vault calculates details of the lease.
Format: Integer indicating the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970.

»Username Template Fields

The following parameters are available within the username template:

Important note: If any of the following fields include dashes or underscores, they will not be removed/changed unless explicitly done so within the username template. For instance:

If RoleName is test-role and the username_template is v_{{.RoleName}}_{{unix_time}}, the result of this template may be: v_test-role_1234567890. Note the - (dash) in the test-role. If the LDAP system Vault is managing restricts usernames/DNs to not allow for dashes (or other characters), the template must explicitly modify/remove those characters. In this example, the template can be changed to v_{{.RoleName | replace "-" "_"}} to replace the dashes with underscores. See Template Functions for more functions available.

.RoleName - The name of the role the credentials are being generated from.

.DisplayName - The display name associated with the user making the request against Value.

»Template Functions

Both the LDIF templates and the username template use the Go template language so all functions and capabilities from that language are supported including functions such as printf.

In addition to the functions available through the template language, the following custom functions are also available:

random - Generates a random string from lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers. Must include a number indicating how many characters to generate.
Example: {{random 20}} generates 20 random characters

truncate - truncates the previous value to the provided number of characters.
Example: {{.FieldName | truncate 10}}

truncate_sha256 - Truncates the previous value to the provided number of characters. The last 8 characters of the truncated value will be the first 8 characters of the SHA256 hash of the truncated characters.

This can aid in identifying values (such as the role & display names) if they need to be truncated to a particular length, particularly if the value has common prefixes. An example of this is having many roles with a common prefix in the name of the role, but the role name is truncated such that only the prefix is shown. This function will keep the non-prefix part of the role name in the username which will aid in identification while also keeping uniqueness.

v_{{.RoleName | truncate_sha256 15}}_{{unix_time}}.
If two roles exist for this template, myreallylongprefix-foobar and myreallylongprefix-bazqux, the username for the first role would be v_myrealle6da86ec_1234567890 and the username for the second role would be v_myrealld0420a55_1234567890.

uppercase - Uppercases the provided value.
Example: {{.FieldName | uppercase}}

lowercase - Lowercases the provided value.
Example: {{.FieldName | lowercase}}

replace - Find/replace on the provided value.
Example: {{.FieldName | replace "-" "_"}}

sha256 - SHA256 hashes the provided value.
Example: {{.FieldName | sha256}}

base64 - Base64 encodes the provided value.
Example: {{.FieldName | base64}}

unix_time - The current unix timestamp (number of seconds since Jan 1 1970).
Example: {{unix_time}}

unix_time_millis - The current unix timestamp in milliseconds.
Example: {{unix_time_millis}}

timestamp - The current time. Must provide a formatting string based on Go’s time package.
Example: {{timestamp "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"}}

uuid - Generates a random UUID.
Example: {{uuid}}

»LDIF Template Functions

Additionally, the LDIF templates include an additional function to facilitate Active Directory password handling. The username template cannot use this function.

utf16le - Encodes the provided value into UTF16-LE.
Example: {{.FieldName | utf16le}}