Topology Schema

The schema controls what information can go into the testbed file, and how that information should be structured. All testbed files loaded through topology.loader are checked against the production schema.

Always keep in mind that YAML is a white-space indentation sensitive markup language (like how Python is). If your testbed file is having issues, check your section indentations.

Credential Password Modeling

  • Credential passwords are assumed to be plain text unless specified in encoded form "%ENC{secret encoded password} or "%ENC{secret encoded password, prefix=alternate_encoder}.

  • Decoding of encoded passwords may depend on pyats configuration.

  • A credential may have multiple fields defined, by convention username and password are shown, but other fields may also be present. All credential fields with password in their name are stored internally as secret strings that cannot be directly printed.

  • Please see Secret Strings for more details on how pyATS models secret passwords.

  • A credential may have a parent (for example, topology credentials are considered to be the parent of all device credentials).

  • Any lookups done on a child credential that are not found are automatically done on the parent.

  • Child credentials may override parent credentials of the same name.

  • If a lookup is done on a named credential that is not found, the lookup falls back to the default credential if it has been set.

Credential Password Prompting

  • During testbed loading, users are prompted to manually enter any credential password specified in the form %ASK{optional prompt text}. Passwords are expected to be entered in plaintext, and are not printed as they are entered.

Production YAML Schema

# Testbed File Schema
# -------------------
#   production schema with commentary from the devs

extends:    # Testbed file(s) to extend/build on.
            # Use this field to extend an existing yaml testbed file,
            # allowing you to create an inheritance hierarchy.
            # Supports full path/names or name of file in the same dir.
            # The content of the last file on the list forms the base and
            # is updated with the preceding file, and so on,
            # until the existing file content is updated last.
            # (optional)

# testbed block
# -------------
#   information concerning/common to the whole testbed.

    name :  # testbed name string.
            # (default: testbed filename with prefix CONFIG. and/or postfix
            #           .yaml trimmed)
            # (optional)

    alias:  # testbed name alias.
            # (default: same as testbed name)
            # (optional)

    class:  # testbed object class.
            # use this field to provide an alternative subclass of
            # Testbed to instantiate this testbed to. can be used to
            # extend the base Testbed class functionalities
            #   Eg: module.submodule.MyTestbedClass
            # (default: ats.topology.Testbed)
            # (optional)

        # credential details common to the testbed
        # (optional)

        <key>:        # name of this credential.
            username: # (optional)
            password: # (optional)

            # any other credential details
            <key>: <value>

        # servers serving/helping and providing services to this entire
        # testbed. any server described here should ideally be servicing
        # the entire testbed and accessible by all devices.
        # (optional)

        <name>: # server name goes here. each server requires its own
                # description section
                # (optional)

            server: # server name
                    # (optional)

            type:   # server type generic string
                    # use this to describe the type of server
                    # (optional)

            address:    # server ip address, or list of server ip addresses.
                        # (optional)

            path:       # path to root folder (eg, tftproot)
                        # (optional)

                # credential details common to the server
                # (optional)

                # All credentials in the testbed credentials block are
                # also available at this level if not specified here.

                <key>:         # Name of this credential.
                    username:  # (optional)
                    password:  # (optional)

                    # Any other credential details
                    <key>: <value>

                # any custom key/value pairs concerning this server
                <key>: <value>

        # any network key/value pair information concerning this testbed
        # (optional)
        <key>: <value>

        # any custom key/value pairs common to this entire testbed
        # (optional)
        <key>: <value>

# devices block
# -------------
#   all testbed devices are described here

    <name>: # device name (hostname) goes here. Each device requires its
            # own description section within devices block

        alias:  # device name alias.
                # (default: same as device name)
                # (optional)

        class:  # device object class.
                # use this field to provide an alternative subclass of
                # Device to instantiate this device block to. can be used
                # to extend the base Device class functionalities
                #   Eg: module.submodule.MyDeviceClass
                # (default: ats.topology.Device)
                # (optional)

        type:   # device type generic string
                # use this to describe the type of device
                #   Eg: ASR9k
                # (required)

        region: # device region string
                # (optional)

        role:   # device role string
                # (optional)

        chassis_type: # device chassis_type
                      #  Eg: single_rp/dual_rp/stack/quad
                      # (optional)

        os:     # device os string
                #  Eg: iosxe
                # (optional)

        series: # device series string
                #  Eg: cat3k
                # (optional)

        platform:   # device platform string
                    # Eg: cat9300
                    # (optional)

        model:  # device model string
                # (optional)

        power:  # device power string
                # (optional)

        hardware:   # device hardware block
                    # may contain anything describing the hardware info
                    # (optional)

        peripherals:  # device hardware block
                      # may contain anything describing peripherals
                      # connected to the device.
                      # (optional)

            # credential details common to the device
            # (optional)

            # All credentials in the testbed credentials block are
            # also available at this level if not specified here.

            <key>:        # Name of this credential.
                username: # (optional)
                password: # (optional)

                # Any other credential details
                <key>: <value>

            # block describing the 'ways', 'methods' and 'paths' of
            # connecting to this device. eg, telnet, ssh, netconf, etc
            # (required)

                # block used to specify and/or alter the default
                # connection manager behavior
                # (optional)

                class:  # the default connection implementation class to be
                        # used by connection manager when arguments such as
                        # 'cls' in connect() and 'factory' in start_pool()
                        # is not provided.
                        # (optional)

                alias:  # the default alias name if 'alias' is not provided
                        # to apis such as connect(), start_pool(), etc.
                        # (optional)

                via:    # the default path to use if 'via' is not provided
                        # to apis such as connect(), start_pool(), etc.
                        # (default: None - let the connection class decide)
                        # (optional)

                connections: # a list of subconnections for a multi-console
                             # device.
                             # Supported by unicon connector implementation.
                             # (optional)

                connections_arguments: # arguments to apply when creating a
                             # multi-console device connection.
                             # Supported by unicon connector implementation.
                             # (optional)
                             <key>: <value>

                # connection information on methods/ways to talk to this
                # testbed device.
                # (optional)

                class:  # connection class to use. use this field to
                        # provide an alternative connection class to use
                        # to connect to this connection
                        # (default to the above default/class)
                        # (optional)

                protocol:   # connection protocol
                            # (optional)

                host:   # device hostname
                        # (optional)

                ip:     # device connection ip address
                        # if a hostname is provided in the ip block,
                        # it be dns lookup-up and converted to IP address
                        # during testbed yaml loading.
                        # (optional)

                port:   # port to connect to
                        # (optional)

                    # credential details specific to this connection
                    # (optional)

                    # All credentials in the device and testbed credentials
                    # blocks are also available if not specified here.

                    <key>:        # Name of this credential.
                        username: # (optional)
                        password: # (optional)

                        # Any other credential details
                        <key>: <value>

                # all other key/values under a connection information block
                # that gets passed to the connection class constructor
                <key>: <value>

            # section containing all static key/value pairs required to
            # invoke clean on this device. See <Kleenex Integration> section
            # below for usage details.
            # (optional)
            <key>: <value>

            # any custom key/value pairs specific to this device
            # (optional)
            <key>: <value>

# topology block
# --------------
#   describes the actual interfaces and links

        # section describing the links used in this testbed.
        # this section is optional. It is only needed if there's a need
        # to specify additional/custom values for the named link.
        # (optional)

        <name>: # link name. each link that has extended descriptions
                # needs to have its own section under links
                # (optional)

            alias:  # link alias.
                    # (default: same as link name)
                    # (optional)

            class:  # link object class.
                    # use this field to provide an alternative subclass of
                    # Link to instantiate this link block to. can be used
                    # to extend the base Link class functionalities
                    #   Eg: module.submodule.myLinkClass
                    # (default: ats.topology.Link)
                    # (optional)

            <key>: <value>  # any other key/values custom to this link
                            # goes here as standard yaml syntax
                            # (optional)

    <device>:   # each device's interface/link gets its own block named
                # using the device name/hostname. the device mentioned
                # here must be also described under the device block.
                # (optional)

        interfaces: # begin the device interface description section
                    # (required)

            <intfname>: # each device interface requires its own section
                        # under the interfaces block
                        # interface names must be unique per device
                        # (optional)

                type:   # interface type string
                        # (mandatory)

                alias:  # interface alias.
                        # (default: same as interface name)
                        # (optional)

                link:   # string name of the link this interface is
                        # connected to. Unique link names here yield
                        # unique links. If a linkname is also described
                        # in the link section above, the extended info
                        # for that link is used.
                        # (optional)

                ipv4:   # ipv4 interface address and mask
                        # this is loaded and converted to
                        # ipaddress.IPv4Interface object
                        # (optional)

                ipv6:   # ipv6 interface address and mask
                        # this is loaded and converted to
                        # ipaddress.IPv6Interface object
                        # A list of IPv6 addresses may also be provided.
                        # (optional)

                class:  # interface object class. use this field to provide
                        # an alternative subclass of Interface class to
                        # instantiate this interface section with. can be
                        # used to extend the base Interface class functions
                        #   Eg: module.submodule.myInterfaceClass
                        # (default: ats.topology.Interface)
                        # (optional)

                <key>: <value>  # any other key/values custom to this
                                # interface goes here
                                # (optional)