Jobfile & Tasks

In pyATS, the aggregation of multiple testscripts together and executed within the same runtime environment is called a job.

The concept of Easypy revolves heavily around the execution of such jobs. Each job corresponds to a jobfile: a standard python file containing the instructions of which testscripts to run, and how to run them.

During runtime, these testscripts are launched as tasks and executed through a test harness (eg, aetest). Each task is always encapsulated in its own child process. The combined tasks in the same jobfile always share the same system resources, such as testbeds, devices and their connections.


Jobfiles are the bread and butter of Easypy. It allows aggregation of multiple testscripts to run under the same environment as tasks, sharing testbeds, and archiving their logs and results together. It is an excellent method to batch and/or consolidate similar testscripts together into relevant result summaries.

Jobfiles are required to satisfy the following criterion:

  • each job file must have a main() function defined. This is the main entry point of a job file run.

  • the main() function accepts an argument called runtime. When defined, the engine automatically passes the current runtime object in.

  • inside the main() function, use or easypy.Task() to define and run individual testscripts as Tasks.

  • the name of the job file, minus the .py extension, becomes this job’s reporting name. This can be modified by setting attribute.

Jobfiles are provided as the only mandatory argument to the easypy launcher.

# Example
# -------
#   a simple, sequential job file

import os

from pyats.easypy import run

# main() function must be defined in each job file
#   - it should have a runtime argument
#   - and contains one or more tasks
def main(runtime):

    # provide custom job name for reporting purposes (optional) = 'my-job-overwrite-name'

    # using run() api to run a task
    # syntax
    # ------
    #   run(testscript = <testscript path/file>,
    #       runtime = <runtime object>,
    #       max_runtime = None,
    #       taskid = None,
    #       **kwargs)
    #   any additional arguments (**kwargs) to run() api are propagated
    #*  to AEtest as input arguments.
    run(testscript = '', runtime = runtime)

    # each job may contain one or more tasks.
    # tasks defined using run() api always run sequentially.
    run(testscript = '', runtime = runtime)

    # access runtime information, such as runtime directory
    # eg, save a new file into runtime directory
    with open(os.path.join(, 'my_file.txt')) as f:
        f.write('some content')

In essence, the jobfile is just a python program file, with main() defined as the mandatory point of entry for all tasks’ execution. As it is a program file, it allows the user to write code that processes environment variables into testscript inputs and processes any additional script arguments following the argument propagation scheme.

# Example
# -------
#   job file with environment variable processing

import os
from pyats.easypy import run

# using this file's path to compute the relative location of script file
# and collecting some arguments from environment variables
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
argA = os.environ.get('SCRIPT_ARG_A', 'argument value a')
argB = os.environ.get('SCRIPT_ARG_B', 'argument value b')

# entry point
def main(runtime):

    # relative script path/file based on this file's location
    run(testscript = os.path.join(here, 'path', 'to', ''),
        runtime = runtime)

    # passing script arguments collected from environment variable
    run(testscript = os.path.join(here, 'path', 'to', ''),
        runtime = runtime,
        argument_A = argA,
        argument_B = argB)


an exception will be thrown if your job file is empty or does not contain a main() definition.


An Easypy task is essentially a testscript being executed by a test-harness like aetest in a child process. They exhibit the following properties:

  • each task is encapsulated in its own child process, forked from main easypy program.

  • each task contains a single TaskLog where all messages are logged to.

  • all tasks report to their results via Reporter.

  • the rolled up script result of each task is returned to the caller.

Tasks are created inside a jobfile’s main() function by either calling the shortcut run() API or by creating your own task objects using the Task Class.

Tasks may be run sequentially (in series), or asynchronously (in parallel). This control is left entirely to the hands of the user. Each task is associated with a unique task id, and can be controlled in the same fashion as all other python processes.


when a task is running, its Linux process name shows up as easypy task: <taskid> - <testscript>


even if tasks are run sequentially, it is still possible for a prior task to crash and leave the testbed in a dangling state, causing the next task to fail.


keep in mind that even though tasks may be run in parallel, they are still sharing the same testbed and devices under-test. Users are expected to be aware of the requirements of each task (testscript), and avoid all race conditions between parallel-running tasks.

run() API

run() api is a shortcut to Task Class for running tasks in a sequential (serial) fashion. It helps the user to avoid boilerplate code that handles Task class overheads, and always performs the following:

  • create & start a Task() with the given arguments

  • wait for it to finish (optionally, safeguard against runaway situations with max_runtime)

  • return the task’s result back to the caller.

run() Function Arguments




testscript to be run in this task


unique task id (defaults to Task-# where # is an incrementing number)


maximum tax runtime in seconds before termination


easypy runtime object


any other keyword-arguments to be passed to the testscript as script parameters

# Example
# -------
#   job file run() api example

from pyats.easypy import run

# main() function
def main(runtime):

    # using run() api to run a task, save the result to variable
    # (max runtime = 60*5 seconds = 5 minutes)
    result = run(testscript = '',
                 runtime = runtime,
                 taskid = 'example_task_1',
                 max_runtime = 60*5)

    # check whether the next script should continue
    # based on previous task's results.
    if result:
        # last result passed, run the next task
        run(testscript = '',
            runtime = runtime,
            taskid = 'example_task_1',
            max_runtime = 60*5)


all forward slash / found in the taskid are replaced with an underscore _.

Task Class

Task class objects represent the task/testscript being executed in a child process. It is a subclass of Python multiprocessing.Process class, and always uses multiproessing.get_context('fork') to fork and create child processes.

Task Class Arguments




testscript to be run in this task


unique task id (defaults to Task-# where # is an incrementing number)


easypy runtime object


any other keyword-arguments to be passed to the testscript as script parameters

Like its parent Process class, instantiating a Task object does not create the actual child process: the class constructor only sets internal states and pipes, preparing for a process fork. The task is started only when its start() method is called to start the child process’s activity.

# Example
# -------
#   job file tasks using Task() api (sequential execution)
#   (recreating the same job file as run() api example using Task class)

from pyats.easypy import Task

# main() function
def main(runtime):

    # using Task class to create a task object
    # (max runtime = 60*5 seconds = 5 minutes)
    task_1 = Task(testscript = '',
                  runtime = runtime,
                  taskid = 'example_task_1')

    # start the task

    # wait for a max runtime of 60*5 seconds = 5 minutes

    # check whether the next script should continue
    # based on previous task's results.
    if task_1.result:
        # last result passed, run the next task
        task_2 = Task(testscript = '',
                      runtime = runtime,
                      taskid = 'example_task_1')

        # start & wait

The main advantage of using Task class directly is the ability to run tasks asynchronously (in parallel), and an added level of more granular controls over each task process.

# Example
# -------
#   job file tasks using Task() api (asynchronous execution)

import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pyats.easypy import Task

# main() function
def main(runtime):

    # using Task class to create a two tasks
    # (max runtime = 60*5 seconds = 5 minutes)
    task_1 = Task(testscript = '',
                  runtime = runtime,
                  taskid = 'example_task_1')

    task_2 = Task(testscript = '',
                  runtime = runtime,
                  taskid = 'example_task_1')

    # start both tasks simultaneously

    # poll for tasks to finish (max of 5minutes)
    counter = timedelta(minutes = 5)

    while counter:
        # check if processes are alive, if so, continue to wait
        if task_1.is_alive() or task_2.is_alive():
            counter -= timedelta(seconds=1)
            # all is good
        # exceeded runtime

        # raise exception
        raise TimeoutError('Not all tasks finished in 5 minutes!')

Easypy expects all tasks to be finished/terminated when main() scope is exited (eg, the jobfile finished execution). Therefore, all tasks created and started using Task class should always be waited for using wait(), and properly handled/terminated by the user.

If wait() is not called and/or there are tasks left dangling after exiting main() function scope, they are abruptly terminated, and reported to the user in the report email as an exception/error.

Task objects have the following methods & properties:

taskid, name

the task’s unique task id (also the same as its process name)


the keyword arguments provided to this Task. This is typically the testscript’s script arguments/parameters.


the task’s result (eg, the testscript’s overall result). This is None when the task has not yet terminated.


the task process’s process id. This is set to None when the task has not yet started.


starts the task process. This is when the actual process fork occurs, and can only be called once per task.


if the optional argument timeout is None (the default), this method blocks until the task terminates. If timeout is a positive number, it blocks at most timeout seconds.


if the optional argument max_runtime is None (the default), this method blocks until the task terminates. If max_runtime is a positive number, it blocks at most max_runtime seconds. If the task has not finished/terminated by max_runtime, it is automatically terminated, and a TimeoutError is raised.


returns whether the task is still alive.


terminates the task process by sending SIGTERM signal to it. This abruptly stops the process without running exit handlers, finally clauses, etc, and may leave your test environment in a dangling state.

Log Levels

Jobfiles are the perfect location to configure log levels for your testscripts and libraries. To do so, import the logging module and set your desired log levels for each of your modules and libraries.


the default TaskLog logging level is logging.INFO.

# Example
# -------
#   controlling log levels from job file

from pyats.easypy import run

# import logging module
import logging

# relative script path based on pyats root.
prefix = sys.prefix

# main block
def main(runtime):

    # set logging levels for various modules
    # eg, setting aetest log level to INFO
    # and setting 'mylibrary' to DEBUG
    # if you set the root logger's log level, then it affects all
    # loggers as per rules of logger parent-child relationship
    # eg, turning on DEBUG for all loggers.

    # you can now provide those new values to your pyATS script.
    run(testscript = os.path.join(prefix, 'path', 'to', ''),
        runtime = runtime)

Refer to Python Logging for details of how loggers work.


the name of each logger needs to correspond to their absolute module name. This is inline with our requirement for each module logger to be created using __name__ as its name.

Shared States

As all Tasks are encapsulated in its own child process, sharing information between tasks can be done via the use of shared memory, eg: using Pipes and Queues, Shared ctypes Objects or Server Processes.

# Example
# -------
#   passing information back from a task to the jobfile
#   (using runtime.synchro to create shared dict/list objects)

from pyats.easypy import run

# main() function
def main(runtime):

    # runtime provides a multiprocessing manager instance
    # called runtime.synchro

    # create two shared objects: a dictionary and a list
    shared_dict = runtime.synchro.dict()
    shared_list = runtime.synchro.list()

    # run the task, and pass the shared objects in as parameters
    # if the testscript updates the shared objects, their values
    # are also synchronized to this jobfile level
    run(testscript = '',
        runtime = runtime,
        shared_dict = shared_dict,
        shared_list = shared_list)

    # now you can access the shared objects's values, and do more
    # eg, check for testbed sanity flag
    if shared_dict['testbed_is_sane']:
        # pass it along to the next task
        run(testscript = '',
            runtime = runtime,
            shared_dict = shared_dict,
            shared_list = shared_list)

Refer to Python multiprocessing module for details on how shared memory works.

Custom Arguments

If leveraging Argument Propagation, your jobfiles may also contain code to parse jobfile custom arguments stored in sys.argv. Python argparse is a reference module to be used for parsing custom arguments.

# Example
# -------
#   parsing custom arguments in Easypy

# assuming that this job file is run with the following command:
#   pyats run job --my_custom_arg 'value'
# where "--my_custom_arg_a" is a custom argument to be parsed by the jobfile

import sys
import os
from pyats.easypy import run

# using argparse module to do the parsing
import argparse

# create your own parser to parse script arguments
# outside of the main block. This only creates a parser object
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "my custom parser")
parser.add_argument('--my_custom_arg', help = 'my custom argument')
# add any additional arguments as required...

# main block
def main(runtime):

    # do the parsing first thing in the main() block
    # always use parse_known_args as per requirement in argument propagation
    # also stores back extra arguments back to sys.argv
    args, sys.argv[1:] = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:])

    # you can now provide those new values to your pyATS script.
    run(testscript = os.path.join(prefix, 'path', 'to', ''),
        runtime = runtime,
        my_custom_arg = args.my_custom_arg)