pyats.cli.commands.version package

class pyats.cli.commands.version.VersionCommand(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyats.cli.base.CommandWithSubcommands

SUBCMDS_ENTRYPOINT = 'pyats.cli.commands.version'
SUBCOMMANDS = [<class 'pyats.cli.commands.version.check.VersionCheckSubCommand'>, <class 'pyats.cli.commands.version.update.VersionUpdateCommand'>]
help = 'commands related to version display and manipulation'
name = 'version'


class pyats.cli.commands.version.check.VersionCheckSubCommand(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyats.cli.base.Subcommand

Simple command to return currently installed pyATS version

CHECK_OUTDATED_CMD = 'pip3 list --outdated --format=json'
PYATS_PKGS_PATTERNS = '^(pyats|genie|unicon)($|\\..+$)'
description = '\n    Display the installed pyATS version, including all individual components.\n    '
help = 'display currently installed pyATS version'
name = 'check'

runs this subcommand

class pyats.cli.commands.version.update.VersionUpdateCommand(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyats.cli.base.Subcommand

PIP_INSTALL_CMD = 'pip3 install --disable-pip-version-check '
PIP_UNINSTALL_CMD = 'pip3 uninstall --yes '
description = "\n    Upgrade or downgrade this pyATS installation (virtual environment) to a\n    different version.\n\nNote: \n    if the currently installed version is already the latest version, it\n    will be uninstalled, and re-installed again for 'safety'\n    "
help = 'update current pyATS installation to another version'
name = 'update'

runs this subcommand