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Manages ACI Application Profile

Example Usage

resource "aci_application_profile" "test_ap" {
  tenant_dn  = "${}"
  name       = "demo_ap"
  annotation = "tag1,tag2"
  name_alias = "test_ap"
  prio       = "level1"

Argument Reference

  • tenant_dn - (Required) Distinguished name of parent Tenant object.

  • name - (Required) name of Object application_profile.

  • annotation - (Optional) annotation for object application_profile.

  • name_alias - (Optional) name_alias for object application_profile.

  • prio - (Optional) priority class id. Allowed values are "unspecified", "level1", "level2", "level3", "level4", "level5" and "level6". Default is "unspecified.

  • relation_fv_rs_ap_mon_pol - (Optional) Relation to class monEPGPol. Cardinality - N_TO_ONE. Type - String.

Attribute Reference

The only attribute that this resource exports is the id, which is set to the Dn of the Application Profile.


An existing Application Profile can be [imported][docs-import] into this resource via its Dn, via the following command:
terraform import aci_application_profile.example