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Manages ACI Application EPG

Example Usage

  resource "aci_application_epg" "fooapplication_epg" {
    application_profile_dn  = "${}"
    name                              = "demo_epg"
    description                   = "%s"
    annotation                    = "tag_epg"
    exception_tag                 = "0"
    flood_on_encap            = "disabled"
    fwd_ctrl                      = "none"
    has_mcast_source             = "no"
    is_attr_based_epg         = "no"
    match_t                          = "AtleastOne"
    name_alias                  = "alias_epg"
    pc_enf_pref                  = "unenforced"
    pref_gr_memb                  = "exclude"
    prio                              = "unspecified"
    shutdown                      = "no"

Argument Reference

  • application_profile_dn - (Required) Distinguished name of parent ApplicationProfile object.

  • name - (Required) name of Object application_epg.

  • annotation - (Optional) annotation for object application_epg.

  • exception_tag - (Optional) exception_tag for object application_epg. Range: "0" - "512" .

  • flood_on_encap - (Optional) Control at EPG level if the traffic L2 Multicast/Broadcast and Link Local Layer should be flooded only on ENCAP or based on bridg-domain settings. Allowed values are "disabled" and "enabled". Default is "disabled".

  • fwd_ctrl - (Optional) Forwarding control at EPG level. Allowed values are "none" and "proxy-arp". Default is "none".

  • has_mcast_source - (Optional) If the source for the EPG is multicast or not. Allowed values are "yes" and "no". Default values is "no".

  • is_attr_based_epg - (Optional) If the EPG is attribute based or not. Allowed values are "yes" and "no". Default is "yes".

  • match_t - (Optional) The provider label match criteria for EPG. Allowed values are "All", "AtleastOne", "AtmostOne", "None". Default is "AtleastOne".

  • name_alias - (Optional) name_alias for object application_epg.

  • pc_enf_pref - (Optional) The preferred policy control. Allowed values are "unenforced" and "enforced". Default is "unenforced".

  • pref_gr_memb - (Optional) Represents parameter used to determine if EPg is part of a group that does not a contract for communication. Allowed values are "exclude" and "include". Default is "exclude".

  • prio - (Optional) qos priority class id. Allowed values are "unspecified", "level1", "level2", "level3", "level4", "level5" and "level6". Default is "unspecified.

  • shutdown - (Optional) shutdown for object application_epg. Allowed values are "yes" and "no". Default is "no".

  • relation_fv_rs_bd - (Optional) Relation to class fvBD. Cardinality - N_TO_ONE. Type - String.

  • relation_fv_rs_cust_qos_pol - (Optional) Relation to class qosCustomPol. Cardinality - N_TO_ONE. Type - String.

  • relation_fv_rs_fc_path_att - (Optional) Relation to class fabricPathEp. Cardinality - N_TO_M. Type - Set of String.

  • relation_fv_rs_prov - (Optional) Relation to class vzBrCP. Cardinality - N_TO_M. Type - Set of String.

  • relation_fv_rs_graph_def - (Optional) Relation to class vzGraphCont. Cardinality - N_TO_M. Type - Set of String.

  • relation_fv_rs_cons_if - (Optional) Relation to class vzCPIf. Cardinality - N_TO_M. Type - Set of String.

  • relation_fv_rs_sec_inherited - (Optional) Relation to class fvEPg. Cardinality - N_TO_M. Type - Set of String.

  • relation_fv_rs_node_att - (Optional) Relation to class fabricNode. Cardinality - N_TO_M. Type - Set of String.

  • relation_fv_rs_dpp_pol - (Optional) Relation to class qosDppPol. Cardinality - N_TO_ONE. Type - String.

  • relation_fv_rs_cons - (Optional) Relation to class vzBrCP. Cardinality - N_TO_M. Type - Set of String.

  • relation_fv_rs_prov_def - (Optional) Relation to class vzCtrctEPgCont. Cardinality - N_TO_M. Type - Set of String.

  • relation_fv_rs_trust_ctrl - (Optional) Relation to class fhsTrustCtrlPol. Cardinality - N_TO_ONE. Type - String.

  • relation_fv_rs_prot_by - (Optional) Relation to class vzTaboo. Cardinality - N_TO_M. Type - Set of String.

  • relation_fv_rs_aepg_mon_pol - (Optional) Relation to class monEPGPol. Cardinality - N_TO_ONE. Type - String.

  • relation_fv_rs_intra_epg - (Optional) Relation to class vzBrCP. Cardinality - N_TO_M. Type - Set of String.

Attribute Reference

The only attribute that this resource exports is the id, which is set to the Dn of the Application EPG.


An existing Application EPG can be [imported][docs-import] into this resource via its Dn, via the following command:
terraform import aci_application_epg.example