Release Managers

"Release Managers" is an umbrella term that encompasses the set of Kubernetes contributors responsible for maintaining release branches, tagging releases, and building/packaging Kubernetes.

The responsibilities of each role are described below.


Mailing List Slack Visibility Usage Membership Public Public discussion for Release Managers All Release Managers (including Associates, Build Admins, and SIG Chairs) N/A Private Private discussion for privileged Release Managers Release Managers, SIG Release leadership Private Security release coordination with the Security Response Committee,

Security Embargo Policy

Some information about releases is subject to embargo and we have defined policy about how those embargoes are set. Please refer to the


NOTE: The Patch Release Team and Branch Manager handbooks will be de-duplicated at a later date.

Release Managers

Note: The documentation might refer to the Patch Release Team and the Branch Management role. Those two roles were consolidated into the Release Managers role.

Minimum requirements for Release Managers and Release Manager Associates are:

Release Managers are responsible for:

This team at times works in close conjunction with the .

GitHub Access Controls:

GitHub Mentions:

Becoming a Release Manager

To become a Release Manager, one must first serve as a Release Manager Associate. Associates graduate to Release Manager by actively working on releases over several cycles and:

  • demonstrating the willingness to lead
  • tag-teaming with Release Managers on patches, to eventually cut a release independently
    • because releases have a limiting function, we also consider substantial contributions to image promotion and other core Release Engineering tasks
  • questioning how Associates work, suggesting improvements, gathering feedback, and driving change
  • being reliable and responsive
  • leaning into advanced work that requires Release Manager-level access and privileges to complete

Release Manager Associates

Release Manager Associates are apprentices to the Release Managers, formerly referred to as Release Manager shadows. They are responsible for:

GitHub Mentions: @kubernetes/release-engineering

Becoming a Release Manager Associate

Contributors can become Associates by demonstrating the following:

  • consistent participation, including 6-12 months of active release engineering-related work
  • experience fulfilling a technical lead role on the Release Team during a release cycle
    • this experience provides a solid baseline for understanding how SIG Release works overall—including our expectations regarding technical skills, communications/responsiveness, and reliability
  • working on k/release items that improve our interactions with Testgrid, cleaning up libraries, etc.
    • these efforts require interacting and pairing with Release Managers and Associates

Build Admins

Build Admins are (currently) Google employees with the requisite access to Google build systems/tooling to publish deb/rpm packages on behalf of the Kubernetes project. They are responsible for:

  • Building, signing, and publishing the deb/rpm packages
  • Being the interlock with Release Managers (and Associates) on the final steps of each minor (1.Y) and patch (1.Y.Z) release

GitHub team:

SIG Release Leads

SIG Release Chairs and Technical Leads are responsible for:

  • The governance of SIG Release
  • Leading knowledge exchange sessions for Release Managers and Associates
  • Coaching on leadership and prioritization

They are mentioned explicitly here as they are owners of the various communications channels and permissions groups (GitHub teams, GCP access) for each role. As such, they are highly privileged community members and privy to some private communications, which can at times relate to Kubernetes security disclosures.

GitHub team:


Technical Leads

Past Branch Managers, can be found in the of the kubernetes/sig-release repository within release-x.y/


Last modified January 20, 2022 at 9:27 PM PST: