Translate a Docker Compose File to Kubernetes Resources

What's Kompose? It's a conversion tool for all things compose (namely Docker Compose) to container orchestrators (Kubernetes or OpenShift).

More information can be found on the Kompose website at

Before you begin

You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. It is recommended to run this tutorial on a cluster with at least two nodes that are not acting as control plane hosts. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using minikube or you can use one of these Kubernetes playgrounds:

To check the version, enter kubectl version.

Install Kompose

We have multiple ways to install Kompose. Our preferred method is downloading the binary from the latest GitHub release.

Use Kompose

In a few steps, we'll take you from Docker Compose to Kubernetes. All you need is an existing docker-compose.yml file.

  1. Go to the directory containing your docker-compose.yml file. If you don't have one, test using this one.

    version: "2"
          - "6379"
          - "6379"
          - GET_HOSTS_FROM=dns
          - "80:80"
          - GET_HOSTS_FROM=dns
          kompose.service.type: LoadBalancer
  2. To convert the docker-compose.yml file to files that you can use with kubectl, run kompose convert and then kubectl apply -f <output file>.

    kompose convert

    The output is similar to:

    INFO Kubernetes file "frontend-service.yaml" created
       INFO Kubernetes file "frontend-service.yaml" created
    INFO Kubernetes file "frontend-service.yaml" created
    INFO Kubernetes file "redis-master-service.yaml" created
       INFO Kubernetes file "redis-master-service.yaml" created
    INFO Kubernetes file "redis-master-service.yaml" created
    INFO Kubernetes file "redis-slave-service.yaml" created
       INFO Kubernetes file "redis-slave-service.yaml" created
    INFO Kubernetes file "redis-slave-service.yaml" created
    INFO Kubernetes file "frontend-deployment.yaml" created
       INFO Kubernetes file "frontend-deployment.yaml" created
    INFO Kubernetes file "frontend-deployment.yaml" created
    INFO Kubernetes file "redis-master-deployment.yaml" created
       INFO Kubernetes file "redis-master-deployment.yaml" created
    INFO Kubernetes file "redis-master-deployment.yaml" created
    INFO Kubernetes file "redis-slave-deployment.yaml" created
       INFO Kubernetes file "redis-slave-deployment.yaml" created
    INFO Kubernetes file "redis-slave-deployment.yaml" created
     kubectl apply -f frontend-service.yaml,redis-master-service.yaml,redis-slave-service.yaml,frontend-deployment.yaml,redis-master-deployment.yaml,redis-slave-deployment.yaml

    The output is similar to:

    service/frontend created
    service/redis-master created
    service/redis-slave created
    deployment.apps/frontend created
    deployment.apps/redis-master created
    deployment.apps/redis-slave created

    Your deployments are running in Kubernetes.

  3. Access your application.

    If you're already using minikube for your development process:

    minikube service frontend

    Otherwise, let's look up what IP your service is using!

    kubectl describe svc frontend
    Name:                   frontend
    Namespace:              default
    Labels:                 service=frontend
    Selector:               service=frontend
    Type:                   LoadBalancer
    LoadBalancer Ingress:
    Port:                   80      80/TCP
    NodePort:               80      31144/TCP
    Session Affinity:       None
    No events.

    If you're using a cloud provider, your IP will be listed next to LoadBalancer Ingress.


User Guide

Kompose has support for two providers: OpenShift and Kubernetes. You can choose a targeted provider using global option --provider. If no provider is specified, Kubernetes is set by default.

kompose convert

Kompose supports conversion of V1, V2, and V3 Docker Compose files into Kubernetes and OpenShift objects.

Kubernetes kompose convert example

kompose --file docker-voting.yml convert
WARN Unsupported key networks - ignoring
WARN Unsupported key build - ignoring
INFO Kubernetes file "worker-svc.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "db-svc.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "redis-svc.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "result-svc.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "vote-svc.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "redis-deployment.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "result-deployment.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "vote-deployment.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "worker-deployment.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "db-deployment.yaml" created
db-deployment.yaml  docker-compose.yml         docker-gitlab.yml  redis-deployment.yaml  result-deployment.yaml  vote-deployment.yaml  worker-deployment.yaml
db-svc.yaml         docker-voting.yml          redis-svc.yaml     result-svc.yaml        vote-svc.yaml           worker-svc.yaml

You can also provide multiple docker-compose files at the same time:

kompose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-guestbook.yml convert
INFO Kubernetes file "frontend-service.yaml" created         
INFO Kubernetes file "mlbparks-service.yaml" created         
INFO Kubernetes file "mongodb-service.yaml" created          
INFO Kubernetes file "redis-master-service.yaml" created     
INFO Kubernetes file "redis-slave-service.yaml" created      
INFO Kubernetes file "frontend-deployment.yaml" created      
INFO Kubernetes file "mlbparks-deployment.yaml" created      
INFO Kubernetes file "mongodb-deployment.yaml" created       
INFO Kubernetes file "mongodb-claim0-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "redis-master-deployment.yaml" created  
INFO Kubernetes file "redis-slave-deployment.yaml" created   
mlbparks-deployment.yaml  mongodb-service.yaml                       redis-slave-service.jsonmlbparks-service.yaml  
frontend-deployment.yaml  mongodb-claim0-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml  redis-master-service.yaml
frontend-service.yaml     mongodb-deployment.yaml                    redis-slave-deployment.yaml

When multiple docker-compose files are provided the configuration is merged. Any configuration that is common will be over ridden by subsequent file.

OpenShift kompose convert example

kompose --provider openshift --file docker-voting.yml convert
WARN [worker] Service cannot be created because of missing port.
INFO OpenShift file "vote-service.yaml" created             
INFO OpenShift file "db-service.yaml" created               
INFO OpenShift file "redis-service.yaml" created            
INFO OpenShift file "result-service.yaml" created           
INFO OpenShift file "vote-deploymentconfig.yaml" created    
INFO OpenShift file "vote-imagestream.yaml" created         
INFO OpenShift file "worker-deploymentconfig.yaml" created  
INFO OpenShift file "worker-imagestream.yaml" created       
INFO OpenShift file "db-deploymentconfig.yaml" created      
INFO OpenShift file "db-imagestream.yaml" created           
INFO OpenShift file "redis-deploymentconfig.yaml" created   
INFO OpenShift file "redis-imagestream.yaml" created        
INFO OpenShift file "result-deploymentconfig.yaml" created  
INFO OpenShift file "result-imagestream.yaml" created  

It also supports creating buildconfig for build directive in a service. By default, it uses the remote repo for the current git branch as the source repo, and the current branch as the source branch for the build. You can specify a different source repo and branch using --build-repo and --build-branch options respectively.

kompose --provider openshift --file buildconfig/docker-compose.yml convert
WARN [foo] Service cannot be created because of missing port.
INFO OpenShift Buildconfig using as source.
INFO OpenShift file "foo-deploymentconfig.yaml" created     
INFO OpenShift file "foo-imagestream.yaml" created          
INFO OpenShift file "foo-buildconfig.yaml" created
Last modified March 09, 2022 at 10:55 PM PST: