Announcing etcd 3.4

Authors: Gyuho Lee (Amazon Web Services, @

etcd 3.4 focuses on stability, performance and ease of operation, with features like pre-vote and non-voting member and improvements to storage backend and client balancer.

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Better Storage Backend

etcd v3.4 includes a number of performance improvements for large scale Kubernetes workloads.

In particular, etcd experienced performance issues with a large number of concurrent read transactions even when there is no write (e.g. “read-only range request ... took too long to execute”). Previously, the storage backend commit operation on pending writes blocks incoming read transactions, even when there was no pending write. Now, the commit

We further made .

More improvements have been made to lease storage. We enhanced ).

Improved Raft Voting Process

etcd server implements

In its simplest form, a Raft leader steps down to a follower when it receives a message with higher terms without any further cluster-wide health checks. This behavior can affect the overall cluster availability.

For instance, a flaky (or rejoining) member drops in and out, and starts campaign. This member ends up with higher terms, ignores all incoming messages with lower terms, and sends out messages with higher terms. When the leader receives this message of a higher term, it reverts back to follower.

This becomes more disruptive when there’s a network partition. Whenever the partitioned node regains its connectivity, it can possibly trigger the leader re-election. To address this issue, etcd Raft introduces a new node state pre-candidate with the

Similarly, etcd availability can be affected when a restarting node has not received the leader heartbeats in time (e.g. due to slow network), which triggers the leader election. Previously, etcd fast-forwards election ticks on server start, with only one tick left for leader election. For example, when the election timeout is 1-second, the follower only waits 100ms for leader contacts before starting an election. This speeds up initial server start, by not having to wait for the election timeouts (e.g. election is triggered in 100ms instead of 1-second). Advancing election ticks is also useful for cross datacenter deployments with larger election timeouts. However, in many cases, the availability is more critical than the speed of initial leader election. To ensure better availability with rejoining nodes, etcd now

Raft Non-Voting Member, Learner

The challenge with membership reconfiguration is that it often leads to quorum size changes, which are prone to cluster unavailabilities. Even if it does not alter the quorum, clusters with membership change are more likely to experience other underlying problems. To improve the reliability and confidence of reconfiguration, a new role - learner is introduced in etcd 3.4 release.

A new etcd member joins the cluster with no initial data, requesting all historical updates from the leader until it catches up to the leader’s logs. This means the leader’s network is more likely to be overloaded, blocking or dropping leader heartbeats to followers. In such cases, a follower may experience election-timeout and start a new leader election. That is, a cluster with a new member is more vulnerable to leader election. Both leader election and the subsequent update propagation to the new member are prone to causing periods of cluster unavailability (see Figure 1).


The worst case is a misconfigured membership add. Membership reconfiguration in etcd is a two-step process: etcdctl member add with peer URLs, and starting a new etcd to join the cluster. That is, member add command is applied whether the peer URL value is invalid or not. If the first step is to apply the invalid URLs and change the quorum size, it is possible that the cluster already loses the quorum until the new node connects. Since the node with invalid URLs will never become online and there’s no leader, it is impossible to revert the membership change (see Figure 2).


This becomes more complicated when there are partitioned nodes (see the

In order to address such failure modes, etcd introduces a ).


We will further improve learner robustness, and explore auto-promote mechanisms for easier and more reliable operation. Please read our

New Client Balancer

etcd is designed to tolerate various system and network faults. By design, even if one node goes down, the cluster “appears” to be working normally, by providing one logical cluster view of multiple servers. But, this does not guarantee the liveness of the client. Thus, etcd client has implemented a different set of intricate protocols to guarantee its correctness and high availability under faulty conditions.

Historically, etcd client balancer heavily relied on old gRPC interface: every gRPC dependency upgrade broke client behavior. A majority of development and debugging efforts were devoted to fixing those client behavior changes. As a result, its implementation has become overly complicated with bad assumptions on server connectivity. The primary goal was to

Furthermore, the new client now creates its own credential bundle to

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