Bringing End-to-End Kubernetes Testing to Azure (Part 2)

Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post is Part II from a

Historically, Kubernetes testing has been hosted by Google, running e2e tests on

In this blog post, we describe extending the e2e test jobs for Azure, and show how to contribute a federated test to the Kubernetes project.


After successfully implementing

We automated our workflow for executing e2e tests of Kubernetes on Azure by defining a nightly job in our private Jenkins server. Figure 2 shows the workflow that uses to deploy Kubernetes on Ubuntu virtual machines running in Azure, then executes the e2e tests. On completion of the tests, the job uploads the test results and logs to a Google Cloud Storage directory, in a format that can be processed by the

| Kubernetes on Azure - Flow Chart - New Page.png | | Figure 2 - Nightly test job workflow |


Throughout our work to create the Azure e2e test job, we have collaborated with members of

  1. Create a
  2. Define an automated job to run the e2e tests. By setting a few environment variables, hack/jenkins/ deploys Kubernetes binaries and executes the tests.
  3. Upload the results using hack/jenkins/
  4. Incorporate the results into the test history dashboard by submitting a pull-request with modifications to a few files in

The federated tests documentation describes these steps in more detail. The scripts to run e2e tests and upload results simplifies the work to contribute a new federated test job. The specific steps to set up an automated test job and an appropriate environment in which to deploy Kubernetes are left to the reader’s preferences. For organizations using Jenkins, the jenkins-job-builder configurations for GCE and GKE tests may provide helpful examples.


The e2e tests on Azure have been running for several weeks now. During this period, we have found two issues in Kubernetes. Weixu Zhuang immediately published fixes that have been merged into the Kubernetes master branch.

The first issue happened when we wanted to bring up the Kubernetes cluster using SaltStack on Azure using Ubuntu VMs. A commit (07d7cfd3) modified the OpenVPN certificate generation script to use a variable that was only initialized by scripts in the cluster/ubuntu. Strict checking on existence of parameters by the certificate generation script caused other platforms that use the script to fail (e.g. our changes to support Azure). We submitted a

The second


The addition of a nightly e2e test job for Kubernetes on Azure has helped to define the process to contribute a federated test to the Kubernetes project. During the course of the work, we also saw the immediate benefit of expanding test coverage to more platforms when our Azure test job identified compatibility issues.

We want to thank Aaron Crickenberger, Erick Fejta, Joe Finney, and Ryan Hutchinson for their help to incorporate the results of our Azure e2e tests into the Kubernetes test history. If you’d like to get involved with testing to create a stable, high quality releases of Kubernetes, join us in the .

--Travis Newhouse, Chief Architect at AppFormix