Deploy InfluxData Platform components in Kubernetes
Install and configure the TICK stack—Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, and Kapacitor—in Kubernetes.
Use Helm Charts to deploy InfluxData Platform components
InfluxData provides InfluxData Helm charts to install the platform on Kubernetes.
To install the InfluxDB 2.0 platform, use the following Helm charts:
To install the InfluxDB 1.x platform, use the following Helm charts:
Use the InfluxDB Operator
InfluxDB operator is a Kubernetes operator that can be used to deploy InfluxDB 1.x OSS in Kubernetes. The InfluxDB operator can handle operational tasks, like creating a backup, automatically. The operator currently has been tested on AWS’s Elastic Kubernetes Service and GCP’s Google Kubernetes Engine.
Deploy InfluxDB using the InfluxData operator
Support and feedback
Thank you for being part of our community! We welcome and encourage your feedback and bug reports for and this documentation. To find support, the following resources are available:
InfluxDB Cloud customers can contact InfluxData Support.