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Calculate the increase

This page documents an earlier version of InfluxDB. InfluxDB v2.1 is the latest stable version. See the equivalent InfluxDB v2.1 documentation: Calculate the increase.

Use the increase() function to track increases across multiple columns in a table. This function is especially useful when tracking changes in counter values that wrap over time or periodically reset.

  |> increase()

increase() returns a cumulative sum of non-negative differences between rows in a table. For example:

Given the following input:

_time _value
2020-01-01T00:01:00Z 1
2020-01-01T00:02:00Z 2
2020-01-01T00:03:00Z 8
2020-01-01T00:04:00Z 10
2020-01-01T00:05:00Z 0
2020-01-01T00:06:00Z 4

increase() returns:

_time _value
2020-01-01T00:02:00Z 1
2020-01-01T00:03:00Z 7
2020-01-01T00:04:00Z 9
2020-01-01T00:05:00Z 9
2020-01-01T00:06:00Z 13

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