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Compact a series file offline

This page documents an earlier version of InfluxDB. InfluxDB v2.1 is the latest stable version.

Use the Series File Compaction tool to compact your series file and reduce its size on disk. This is useful for series files that grow quickly, for example, when series are frequently created and deleted.

To compact a series file:

  1. Stop the influxd process.

  2. Run the following command, including your data directory and WAL directory:

    # Syntax
    influx_inspect buildtsi -compact-series-file -datadir <data_dir> -waldir <wal_dir>
    # Example
    influx_inspect buildtsi -compact-series-file -datadir /data -waldir /wal
  3. Restart the influxd process.

  4. (InfluxDB Enterprise only) On each data node:

    1. Complete steps 1-3.
    2. Wait for the hinted handoff queue (HHQ) to write all missed data to the node.
    3. Continue to the next data node.

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