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Manage labels in the InfluxDB UI

Labels are a way to add visual metadata to dashboards, tasks, and other items in the InfluxDB UI. To manage labels:

  • In the navigation menu on the left, select Settings > Labels.

Create a label

  1. Click Create Label.
  2. Enter a Name for the label.
  3. Enter a description for the label (Optional).
  4. Select a Color for the label.
  5. Click Create Label.

Edit a label

  1. In the label list view, click the name of the label you would like to edit. The Edit Label overlay will appear.
  2. Make the desired changes to the label.
  3. Click Save Changes.

Delete a label

  1. In the label list view, hover over the label you would like to delete and click .
  2. Click Delete.

Add labels to dashboard items

  1. In the list view of dashboards, tasks, or other assets, hover over the item to which you would like to add a label.
  2. Click the icon that appears below the name. The Add Labels overlay will appear.
  3. Type the name of the label you would like to add to filter the list of available labels. Click the label you would like to add.

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