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View Telegraf configurations

Use the InfluxDB user interface (UI) or the influx CLI to view and download InfluxDB Telegraf configurations.

To view Telegraf configurations, do one of the following:

Use the InfluxDB UI

In the navigation menu on the left, select Data (Load Data) > Telegraf.

View and download the telegraf.conf

To view the telegraf.conf associated with the configuration, click the Name of the configuration. Then click Download Config to download the file.

View setup instructions

To view the setup instructions for a Telegraf configuration, click Setup Instructions. Setup instructions include commands for adding your InfluxDB API token as an environment variable and starting Telegraf with the specific configuration.

Use the influx CLI

Use the influx telegrafs command to list Telegraf configurations stored in InfluxDB.

influx telegrafs

Select your region

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