Related to "secrets"
influx secret
The influx secret
command manages secrets.
influx secret delete
The influx secret delete
command deletes secrets.
influx secret list
The influx secret list
command lists secret keys.
influx secret update
The influx secret update
command adds and updates secrets.
Manage secrets
Manage and use secrets in InfluxDB Cloud.
Add secrets
Add secrets using the InfluxDB Cloud UI, influx
CLI, or the InfluxDB API.
View secret keys
View secret keys using the InfluxDB Cloud UI, influx
CLI, or the InfluxDB API.
Update secrets
Update secrets using the InfluxDB Cloud UI, influx
CLI, or the InfluxDB API.
Delete secrets
Delete secrets using the InfluxDB Cloud UI, influx
CLI, or the InfluxDB API.
Use secrets
Use secrets in queries with Flux.