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View secret keys

View secret keys using the InfluxDB Cloud UI, influx command line interface (CLI) or the InfluxDB API.

View secret keys using the InfluxDB Cloud UI

Follow the steps below to view a list of secret keys. Only the keys will be shown, not the values.

  1. In the InfluxDB Cloud UI, click Settings.

  2. Click on the Secrets tab.

From here, you can add, update, and delete secrets.

View secret keys using the influx CLI

Use the influx secret list command to list your organization’s secret keys.

influx secret list

View secret keys using the InfluxDB API

Use the GET request method and the InfluxDB /orgs/{orgID}/secrets API endpoint to view your organization’s secrets keys.

Include the following:

curl -XGET<org-id>/secrets \
  -H 'Authorization: Token YOUR_API_TOKEN'

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