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influx org members remove

Available with InfluxDB OSS 2.x only

The influx org members remove command removes organization members in InfluxDB OSS 2.x, but cannot remove organization members in InfluxDB Cloud. For information about removing a user from your InfluxDB Cloud organization, see Remove a user.

The influx org members remove command removes a member from an organization in InfluxDB.


influx org members remove [flags]


Flag Description Input type Maps to ?
-h --help Help for the remove command
--host HTTP address of InfluxDB (default http://localhost:8086) string INFLUX_HOST
--http-debug Inspect communication with InfluxDB servers. string
-i --id Organization ID string INFLUX_ORG_ID
-m --member Member ID string
-n --name Organization name string INFLUX_ORG
--skip-verify Skip TLS certificate verification INFLUX_SKIP_VERIFY
-t --token API token string INFLUX_TOKEN


Authentication credentials

The examples below assume your InfluxDB host, organization, and token are provided by the active influx CLI configuration. If you do not have a CLI configuration set up, use the appropriate flags to provide these required credentials.

Remove a member from an organization
influx org members remove \
  --member 00x0oo0X0xxxo000 \
  --name example-org

Select your region

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