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Replicate an organization

The state of an organization consists of metadata (dashboards, buckets, and other resources) and data (time-series). An organization’s state at a point in time can be replicated to another organization by copying both metadata and data. To replicate the state of an organization:

  1. Create a new organization using the InfluxDB Cloud sign up page. Use a different email address for the new organization.

  2. Replicate metadata.
    Use an InfluxDB template to migrate metadata resources. Export all resources, like dashboards and buckets, to a template manifest with influx export all. Then, apply the template to the new organization.

  3. Replicate data.
    Use one of the methods below to copy data to the new organization:

  4. Re-invite users.

Export data to CSV

  1. Perform a query to return all specified data.
  2. Save the results as CSV (to a location outside of InfluxDB Cloud).
  3. Write the CSV data into a bucket in the new organization using the influx write command.

Write data with Flux

Perform a query to return all specified data. Write results directly to a bucket in the new organization with the Flux to() function.

If writes are prevented by rate limiting, use the influx write --rate-limit flag to control the rate of writes. For more information on rate limits in InfluxDB Cloud, see Exceeded rate limits.

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