Manage notebooks
Manage your notebooks in the UI:
View or update notebooks
In the navigation menu on the left, click Notebooks.
A list of notebooks appears.
Click a notebook to open it.
To update, edit the notebook’s cells and content. Changes are saved automatically.
Share a notebook
In the navigation menu on the left, click Notebooks.
Click the notebook to open it, and then click the icon.
Select an API token with read-access to all resources in the notebook, and then click the icon.
Share the generated notebook URL as needed.
Unshare a notebook
To stop sharing a notebook, select next to the shared notebook URL.
Delete a notebook
In the navigation menu on the left, click Notebooks.
Hover over a notebook in the list that appears.
Click Delete Notebook.
Click Confirm.
Support and feedback
Thank you for being part of our community! We welcome and encourage your feedback and bug reports for InfluxDB and this documentation. To find support, the following resources are available:
InfluxDB Cloud and InfluxDB Enterprise customers can contact InfluxData Support.