Authenticating and reading secrets with HashiCorp Vault

This tutorial demonstrates how to authenticate, configure, and read secrets with HashiCorp’s Vault from GitLab CI/CD.


This tutorial assumes you are familiar with GitLab CI/CD and Vault.

To follow along, you must have:

  • An account on GitLab.
  • Access to a running Vault server (at least v1.2.0) to configure authentication and to create roles and policies. For HashiCorp Vaults, this can be the Open Source or Enterprise version.
You must replace the URL below with the URL of your Vault server, and with the URL of your GitLab instance.

How it works

Each job has JSON Web Token (JWT) provided as CI/CD variable named CI_JOB_JWT. This JWT can be used to authenticate with Vault using the The following fields are included in the JWT:

Field When Description
jti Always Unique identifier for this token
iss Always Issuer, the domain of your GitLab instance
iat Always Issued at
nbf Always Not valid before
exp Always Expires at
sub Always Subject (job ID)
namespace_id Always Use this to scope to group or user level namespace by ID
namespace_path Always Use this to scope to group or user level namespace by path
project_id Always Use this to scope to project by ID
project_path Always Use this to scope to project by path
user_id Always ID of the user executing the job
user_login Always Username of the user executing the job
user_email Always Email of the user executing the job
pipeline_id Always ID of this pipeline
pipeline_source Always Pipeline source
job_id Always ID of this job
ref Always Git ref for this job
ref_type Always Git ref type, either branch or tag
ref_protected Always true if this Git ref is protected, false otherwise
environment Job is creating a deployment Environment this job deploys to ( environment_protected Job is creating a deployment true if deployed environment is protected, false otherwise (

Example JWT payload:

  "jti": "c82eeb0c-5c6f-4a33-abf5-4c474b92b558",
  "iss": "",
  "iat": 1585710286,
  "nbf": 1585798372,
  "exp": 1585713886,
  "sub": "job_1212",
  "namespace_id": "1",
  "namespace_path": "mygroup",
  "project_id": "22",
  "project_path": "mygroup/myproject",
  "user_id": "42",
  "user_login": "myuser",
  "user_email": "",
  "pipeline_id": "1212",
  "pipeline_source": "web",
  "job_id": "1212",
  "ref": "auto-deploy-2020-04-01",
  "ref_type": "branch",
  "ref_protected": "true",
  "environment": "production",
  "environment_protected": "true"

The JWT is encoded by using RS256 and signed with a dedicated private key. The expire time for the token is set to job’s timeout, if specified, or 5 minutes if it is not. The key used to sign this token may change without any notice. In such case retrying the job generates new JWT using the current signing key.

You can use this JWT and your instance’s JWKS endpoint ( to authenticate with a Vault server that is configured to allow the JWT Authentication method for authentication.

When configuring roles in Vault, you can use To communicate with Vault, you can use either its CLI client or perform API requests (using curl or another client).


JWTs are credentials, which can grant access to resources. Be careful where you paste them!

Let’s say you have the passwords for your staging and production databases stored in a Vault server that is running on Your staging password is pa$$w0rd and your production password is real-pa$$w0rd.

$ vault kv get -field=password secret/myproject/staging/db

$ vault kv get -field=password secret/myproject/production/db

To configure your Vault server, start by enabling the

Then create policies that allow you to read these secrets (one for each secret):

$ vault policy write myproject-staging - <<EOF
# Policy name: myproject-staging
# Read-only permission on 'secret/myproject/staging/*' path
path "secret/myproject/staging/*" {
  capabilities = [ "read" ]
Success! Uploaded policy: myproject-staging

$ vault policy write myproject-production - <<EOF
# Policy name: myproject-production
# Read-only permission on 'secret/myproject/production/*' path
path "secret/myproject/production/*" {
  capabilities = [ "read" ]
Success! Uploaded policy: myproject-production

You also need roles that link the JWT with these policies.

One for staging named myproject-staging:

$ vault write auth/jwt/role/myproject-staging - <<EOF
  "role_type": "jwt",
  "policies": ["myproject-staging"],
  "token_explicit_max_ttl": 60,
  "user_claim": "user_email",
  "bound_claims": {
    "project_id": "22",
    "ref": "master",
    "ref_type": "branch"

And one for production named myproject-production:

$ vault write auth/jwt/role/myproject-production - <<EOF
  "role_type": "jwt",
  "policies": ["myproject-production"],
  "token_explicit_max_ttl": 60,
  "user_claim": "user_email",
  "bound_claims_type": "glob",
  "bound_claims": {
    "project_id": "22",
    "ref_protected": "true",
    "ref_type": "branch",
    "ref": "auto-deploy-*"

This example uses Combined with protected branches, you can restrict who is able to authenticate and read the secrets.

The claim fields listed in the table above can also be accessed for Vault’s policy path templating purposes by using the accessor name of the JWT auth within Vault. The .

Policy template example making use of a named metadata field named project_path:

Role example to support the templated policy above, mapping the claim field project_path as a metadata field through use of

For the full list of options, see Vault’s .

Now, configure the JWT Authentication method:

$ vault write auth/jwt/config \
    jwks_url="" \

For the full list of available configuration options, see Vault’s .

The following job, when run for the default branch, is able to read secrets under secret/myproject/staging/, but not the secrets under secret/myproject/production/:

If you’re using a Vault instance provided by HashiCorp Cloud Platform, you need to export the VAULT_NAMESPACE variable. Its default value is admin.

read_secrets staging

The following job is able to authenticate using the myproject-production role and read secrets under /secret/myproject/production/:

    # Check job's ref name
    - echo $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
    # and is this ref protected
    # Vault's address can be provided here or as CI/CD variable
    - export VAULT_ADDR=
    # Authenticate and get token. Token expiry time and other properties can be configured
    # when configuring JWT Auth -
    - export VAULT_TOKEN="$(vault write -field=token auth/jwt/login role=myproject-production jwt=$CI_JOB_JWT)"
    # Now use the VAULT_TOKEN to read the secret and store it in environment variable
    - export PASSWORD="$(vault kv get -field=password secret/myproject/production/db)"
    # Use the secret
    - echo $PASSWORD

read_secrets production

Limit token access to Vault secrets

You can control CI_JOB_JWT access to Vault secrets by using Vault protections and GitLab features. For example, restrict the token by: