June 2021¶
June 29th - Genie v21.6¶
Module |
Versions |
21.6 |
21.6 |
21.6 |
21.6 |
21.6 |
21.6 |
21.6 |
21.6 |
21.6 |
21.6 |
21.6 |
Upgrade Instructions¶
pip install --upgrade ats[full] # For internal user
pip install --upgrade pyats[full] # For DevNet user
If you have pyATS installed, you can use:
pyats version update
- harness
Added ability to provide section specific parameters to sections in trigger datafile
- Updated utils
- Modified connect_device
Added support for new context schema for multiple connections
- Updated script
- Modified organize_testbed
Added context for new schema
- Updated schema
Added support for new context schema
- conf
- Updated Device
- Modified parse
Added context parameter and made cli as default context
- Modified _get_parser_output
Added context parameter and made cli as default for context and alias
- dq
- Added sum_value_operator
Sum up values and evaluate operator against the total value
- harness
- Modified GenieStandalones
To initialize max_time/interval in case no value is given
- conf
Modified testbed loading logic to fix conversion bug
- dq
- Modified query_validator
Method did not consider functions with no arguments as valid.
- Modified str_to_dq_query
Method did not consider functions with no arguments as valid.
- Modified value_operator
Use float instead of integer
run_genie_sdk(): Workaround default device alias=’uut’ requirement
Users can now give the device parameter with arbitrary alias without requiring to override the internal device parameter value. The change saves the original device alias temporarily and sets the current alias to ‘uut’ to allow the Genie harness to operate smoothly then revert back to the original alias once the trigger execution is complete.
- iosxe
Modified get_bgp_neighbors_in_state API, fixed regex expression
- com
- Updated clean stage ‘delete_files_from_server’
updated docstring to mention supporting only ftp and sftp and schema
- iosxe
- Modified device recovery
To properly match rommon prompts
When the ‘Press RETURN to get started’ prompt is seen, wait until the buffer is settled to send RETURN.
- com
Modified ‘connect’ clean stage to include ‘via’ argument
- apic
clean stage for REST interactions
No changes
- common
- Modified send_cli_to_device
Changed to return output after execution of cli command
- nxos
- Modified copyfile
check both source and destination for server name
add check if server name is just number (module number)
- health
- Enhanced device connectivity check
Updated logic with pcall for speed up
- Added pyats_health default template ‘health_yamls/pyats_health.yaml’
default template is used with ‘–health-checks’
- Added ‘force_all_connected’ as health_settings
pyATS Health Check requires that all devices are connected by default. It can be disabled by this setting.
- Modified internal functions
To support ‘hide_processor’ which you can hide specific processor from log
- health plugin
- Added ‘–health-webex’ argument
Added webex notification feature with notification template
- Added ‘–health-remote-device’ argument
Specify remote device information for copy files to remote
- Added ‘–health-mgmt-vrf’ argument
Specify Mgmt Vrf which is reachable to remote device
- Added ‘–health-threshold’ argument
Specify threshold for cpu, memory and etc
- Added ‘–health-show-logging-keywords’ argument
Specify show logging keywords to search
- Added ‘–health-core-default-dir’ argument
Specify directories where searching core file or etc
- Added ‘–health-tc-sections’ argument
same with ‘–health-sections’ and
is now deprecated
- Added ‘–health-tc-uids’ argument
same with ‘–health-tc-uids’ and
is now deprecated
- Added ‘–health-tc-groups’ argument
same with ‘–health-tc-groups’ and
is now deprecated
- health
- pyats_health default template
Added save variable name ‘health_value’ for webex notification
- Fixed internal logic to remove redundant run
Fixed a bug which causes redundant run with multiple health args
- health plugin
- Modified saving health data
Save health result data to health_results.json in post_task
- Added support multiple values to arguments
each health argument if applicable supports multiple values by delimiter ‘ ‘(space)
No changes
- blitz
- blitz.py
Fixed bug that caused regex filtered variables not to be saved
- updated ‘save_variable’
changed logging message from info to debug.
- Modified decorator ‘add_result_as_extra’
Fixed a bug which was missing validation of return from action
- Enhanced logging for Dq filter via include/exclude
Show Dq Filtered result and update message to be clearer
- Updated Blitz class
Allow pyATS Health Check action to save variable inside of action
- Modified add_result_as_extra for pyATS Health Check
Save health data to runtime variable instead of saving to file
Added webex notification support
Save variable which can be used in pyATS Health Check webex notification
- Modified save_variable function
logging massage is changed from info to debug
- Modified internal func ‘_find_saved_variable’
add handling for API which has argument ‘section’
- nxos
Added retry mechanism to nxapi_method_nxapi_rest
- Modified health_core API
Added FileUtils support to copy core file to remote device
- iosxe, isoxr, nxos, apic
Update copy_from_device and copy_to_device APIs to support HTTP transport incuding proxy support
Removed copy_to_script_host API (use copy_from_device instead)
- iosxe
- Modified default_interface
Fixed docstring
- Modified health_memory API
Fixed calculation in case pid is same
- Modified health_core API
Added FileUtils support to copy core file to remote device
- enhanced API ‘health_cpu’
updated logic for speed up
- enhanced API ‘health_memory’
updated logic for speed up
- enhanced API ‘config_ip_on_interface’
Add argument for ipv6 address and configure if it is passed
- updated ‘get_ospf_interfaces’
added new argument ‘ospf_process_id’. But keep ‘bgp_as’ for backward compatibility
- api utils
- Modified API
Added support to check the fragmented captured packet.
- Modified API
- Modified API
To verify the Expected destination IP address.
To verify the Expected protocol message type.
- Modified API
- Modified API
To verify the Expected source port number.
To verify the Expected destination port number.
To verify the Expected protocol message type.
To handle the port_and_or operation.
- Modified API
- Modified API
To handle the result status when time limit exceeded.
- Modified API
- utils
- Modified copy_from_device
return output from FileUtils copyfile
- iosxr
- Modified health_core API
Added FileUtils support to copy core file to remote device
- utils
- added ‘only_connected’ to API ‘get_devices’
check if device is connected and return only connected ones
- added ‘with_os’ to API ‘get_devices’
return dict with device name and os as key/value pair
- blitz
- ‘execute’ action
result_status' to support result change only for `passed
based on user input.
- markup.py
Added apply_regex_findall to search for patterns in a string
- blitz.py
Modified _filter_and_save_action_output to expect regex_findall
Support attachment for pyATS Health Check webex notification
- actions.py
result_status' to support result change only for `passed
based on user input
- actions_helper.py
result_status' to support result change only for `passed
based on user input
- advanced_actions.py
Modified custom_substep_message in loop to support the use of %VARIABLES{}
- markup.py
Added save_output_to_file to save the output of an action to a specified file
- blitz.py
Modified _filter_and_save_action_output to expect file_name and append arguments
add webex notification support for pyATS Healtch Check
- ‘execute’ action
Added `connection_alias’ to support different connections
- ‘configure’ action
Added `connection_alias’ to support different connections
- ‘configure_dual’ action
Added `connection_alias’ to support different connections
- api utils
- Added API
To return result of user choice for manual steps. same capability with WebInteraction.
- Added API
- Added API
To verify the LDPHello and LDPKeepAlive packet
- Added API
- utils
- add ‘verify_device_connection’
check device connectivity and return Boolean. have reconnect feature
- nxos/n9k
- add ‘health_core’ for N9K
copy_from_device with default timeout 600 secs and use-kstack
- iosxe
- API Utils
Added API
Added API
Added API
Added API
- iosxe
- Modified ShowIpMroute
add lisp_mcast_source/lisp_mcast_group to outgoing interface ip mroute schema.
add ‘-‘ as additional possible character in “state”
Modified regex pattern to accomodate state with lowercase letters
- Modified ShowAuthenticationSessionsInterfaceDetails
- Added optional key unauth_timeout to schema.
Added regex pattern p13 to accept all type of inputs for restart_timeout.
Added regex pattern p14 for unauth_timeout key.
Added keys unauth_timeout into the schema.
- Modified ShowAuthenticationSessionsInterfaceDetails
Removed session_timeout from known_list on p1 to fix incorrect match
- Added ShowInterfaceTransceiver for
show interfaces {interface} transceiver
- Modified ShowInterfaceTransceiverDetail to
Parse transceiver information
- Modified ShowVrfDetailSuperParser
Added keys <import_route_map> and <export_route_map> to schema.
Added regex patterns <p7_2> and <p8_2> to accommodate various outputs.
- Modified ShowIpStaticRoute
Fixed line stripping issue that broke Ops unittests.
- Modified
Modified show_device_tracking.py to fix a bug in show_device_tracking
Now able to match entries with time left
- Modified ShowUsers
Bug workaround to capture location data when it’s forced onto a newline.
- Modified ShowPolicyMapTypeSuperParser
Changed <pattern> from schema to Optional.
Updated regex patterns <p0> and <p12> to accommodate various outputs.
Added regex patterns <p3_1>, <p8_0>, <p9_0> to accommodate various outputs.
- Modified ShowPlatformSoftwareMemoryBacktraceSchema
Changed type for callsite from int to str
- Modified ShowIpStaticRoute
Added support for dashes in names
- Modified ShowIpv6StaticDetail
Added support for dashes in names
- Modified ShowPlatformResourcesSchema
Made ‘esp’ optional
- Modified ShowLogging
Fixed patterns to support show logging parser when monitor logging is disabled
Fixed pattern p11 to recognize vrf information
- Modified ShowLoggingSchema
Made monitoring keys (level, message_logged, xml and filtering) optional
- Modified ShowVersion
only accepted digits for Motherboard Revision Number now accept all characters.
- Added Parser for ShowRedundancyApplicationGroup
show redundancy application group {group_id}
- Modified ShowIpEigrpInterfaces
Adjusting p1 regex to support IPv6 too
Offloading parser to a SuperParser class
Support eigrp named mode
Added Optional keys to ShowIpEigrpInterfacesSchema schema to support
show ip eigrp interfaces detail parser
- Modified ShowInterfaces
Updated regex pattern p11 to accomodate media types with a period (ex 2.5G)
- nxos
- Modified ShowRunningConfigNvOverlay
Added key <ingress_replication_protocol_bgp> to schema
Added regex pattern <p17> and related code
- Modified ShowInterface
Modified regex pattern <p1> to accomodate different link states
Added regex pattern <p4_1> to process various VLAN description outputs
Added unit test to support changes
- Modified ShowInterfaceTransceiverDetails
Added regex pattern <p37_1> as a catch-all for when <p37> doesn’t match.
- Modified ShowIpRoute
Added key <asymmetric> to schema
Added regex pattern <p3> and related code
- Modified ShowIpInterfaceBriefVrfAll
Added in workaround for vrf information not being output
- Modified ShowInterface
Added regex pattern p3_1 to process MAC address and type for VLAN.
- Modified ShowIpInterfaceBriefVrfAll
Changed Schema to record vrf info
Changed parser to capture vrf info
- Modified ShowCdpNeighbors
Added regex patterns p6 and p7 to accept Linux interface names
Added unittest
Added folder based unittest
- Modified ShowInterface
Fixed issue where incoming storm supression being measured in bytes would cause in_jumbo_packets to not be parsed.
- Modified ShowInterfaceBrief
Fixed issue with parser when speed for ‘mgmt0’ wasn’t a digit
- iosxr
- Modified ShowL2vpnBridgeDomainDetail
Fixed variable referenced before assignment error
Added support for outputs where MPLS data wants to be inside the LSP dict
Added support for more keys in the schema to match sample output
- Modified ShowOspfv3VrfAllInclusiveNeighborDetail
changed ‘state’ to return lowercase instead of the default uppercase.
- ios
- Added ShowInterfaceTransceiver for
show interface {interface} transceiver
- added showinterfacetransceiverdetail for
show interface {interface} transceiver detail
- unittest
- Modified SuperFileBasedTesting
Added check to skip classes that do not contain a cli_command. This serves to skip outdated tcl based parsers.
- iosxe
- Modified ShowVrrp
Added schema key <address family> to handle new device output
Added <master_advertisement_expiration_secs> key to schema
Added <state_duration> key to schema
- Modified ShowPolicyMapTypeSuperParser
Updated regex pattern p3 to make bytes optional
- Modified ShowDeviceTrackingDatabase
Update regex to capture output related to ‘time left’ for ‘show device-tracking database’
- Added ShowPolicyMapTypeControlSubscriberBindingPolicyName
show policy-map type control subscriber binding {policy_map_name}
- nxos
- Modified ShowIsisAdjacency
Fixed p2 regex to match lines with SNPA N/A and level 1-2
- Modified ShowNveInterfaceDetailSchema
Added anycast_if key to the schema
- nx-os
- Modified ShowLldpNeighborsDetail
If an NX-OS device is connected to an IOS-XR device the interface formats will be processed
- utils
- Modified Common.py - Common.convert_intf_name
Dictionary containing interface conversions is now nested.
Created generic key as a catchall for previous code.
Edited logic to check if a specific operating system is mentions in the os= argument
- iosxr
- Modified ShowIpInterfaceBrief class
Updated regex to make VRF optional
- Modified ShowClassMap
Added missing quotes to cli_command
- iosxe
- Added ShowMabAllDetails
show mab all details
- Added ShowIpDhcpDatabase
show ip dhcp database
- Added ShowMeraki
show meraki
show meraki switch {switch}
- Added ShowIpBgpL2VPNEVPN
Added parser for “show ip bgp l2vpn evpn detail”
Added parser for “show ip bgp {address_family} evi {evi}
Added parser for “show ip bgp {address_family} route-type {rt}”
Added parser for “show ip bgp {address_family} evi {evi} route-type {rt}”
Added nlri_data object under prefixes in “ShowBgpAllDetailSchema”
Added pmsi_data object under prefixes in “ShowBgpAllDetailSchema”
Added igmpmld object under prefixes in “ShowBgpAllDetailSchema”
- Added 4 regexp in ShowBgpDetailSuperParser
p3_3 to handle all EVPN route-types
p8_6 to handle PMSI attribute Flags
p19 to handle IGMP/MLD filter
- Modified 3 regexp in ShowBgpDetailSuperParser
p11 to handle local IRB vxlan vtep
p12 to handle core bdi
p13 to handle evpn l3-vni
Added folder based unittests
- Added ShowPortSecurity
show port-security
show port-security interface <interface>
- Added ShowPlatformSoftware
for ‘show platform software object-manager switch {switchvirtualstate} {serviceprocessor} statistics’
- Added ShowIpv6EigrpInterfaces
show ipv6 eigrp interfaces
- Added ShowIpEigrpInterfacesDetail
show ip eigrp interfaces detail
- Added ShowIpv6EigrpInterfacesDetail
show ipv6 eigrp interfaces detail
- Added ShowKeyChain
show key chain
- Added ShowIpv6Protocols
show ipv6 protocols
show ipv6 protocols vrf {vrf}
- Added ShowInterfacesLink
show interfaces link
show interfaces {interface} link
- iosxr
- Added ShowOspfInterface
show ospf interface
show ospf interface <interface_name>
show ospf <process_name> interface
show ospf <process_name> interface <interface_name>
- Added ShowOspfv3VrfAllInclusiveDatabasePrefix
show ospfv3 vrf all-inclusive database prefix
- Added ShowOspfv3VrfAllInclusiveDatabaseRouter
show ospfv3 vrf all-inclusive database router
- Added ShowOspfNeighbor
show ospf neighbor
show ospf {process_name} neighbor
show ospf vrf all-inclusive neighbor
- nxos
- Added RunBashTop
Added ‘top -n 1’ command under ‘run bash’ mode
- Added ShowSystemInternalProcessesMemory
‘show system internal processes memory’
- ios-xr
- Added ShowOspfDatabaseRouter
show ospf database {process-id} router
show ospf database all-inclusive router
- ios
- Added ShowLldpNeighbors
show lldp neighbors
- Added ShowIpv6EigrpInterfaces
show ipv6 eigrp interfaces
- Added ShowIpEigrpInterfacesDetail
show ip eigrp interfaces detail
- Added ShowIpv6EigrpInterfacesDetail
show ipv6 eigrp interfaces detail
- Added ShowKeyChain
show key chain
- Added ShowIpv6Protocols
show ipv6 protocols
show ipv6 protocols vrf {vrf}
- iosxe
- Added ShowDeviceTrackingPolicies
add show command ‘show device-tracking policies’
- asa
- Added ShowCryptoIkev2Sa
show crypto ikev2 sa
- Added ShowNameif
show nameif
- Added ShowFailover
show failover
- Added ShowFailoverInterface
show failover interface
No changes
- ixiarestpy
Added ixiarestpy based on ixnetwork_restpy
- genie.trafficgen
- Implemented abstraction
os ixianative|ixiarestpy|trex
to select connection type
- ixianative
- Enhanced exception message in check_traffic_loss
only 1 traffic item is not supported. error clearly mentions.
No changes