Flask-RESTX extends Flask’s logging
by providing each API
and Namespace
it’s own standard Python logging.Logger
This allows separation of logging on a per namespace basis to allow more fine-grained detail and configuration.
By default, these loggers inherit configuration from the Flask application object logger.
import logging
import flask
from flask_restx import Api, Resource
# configure root logger
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
# each of these loggers uses configuration from app.logger
ns1 = api.namespace('api/v1', description='test')
ns2 = api.namespace('api/v2', description='test')
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):
# will log
ns1.logger.info("hello from ns1")
return {"message": "hello"}
class MyNewResource(Resource):
def get(self):
# won't log due to INFO log level from app.logger
ns2.logger.debug("hello from ns2")
return {"message": "hello"}
Loggers can be configured individually to override the configuration from the Flask
application object logger. In the above example, ns2
log level can be set to
# ns1 will have log level INFO from app.logger
ns1 = api.namespace('api/v1', description='test')
# ns2 will have log level DEBUG
ns2 = api.namespace('api/v2', description='test')
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):
# will log
ns1.logger.info("hello from ns1")
return {"message": "hello"}
class MyNewResource(Resource):
def get(self):
# will log
ns2.logger.debug("hello from ns2")
return {"message": "hello"}
Adding additional handlers:
# configure a file handler for ns1 only
ns1 = api.namespace('api/v1')
fh = logging.FileHandler("v1.log")
ns2 = api.namespace('api/v2')
class MyResource(Resource):
def get(self):
# will log to *both* v1.log file and app.logger handlers
ns1.logger.info("hello from ns1")
return {"message": "hello"}
class MyNewResource(Resource):
def get(self):
# will log to *only* app.logger handlers
ns2.logger.info("hello from ns2")
return {"message": "hello"}